Top 10 Common Household Pests in Australia

How to Get Rid of Them

Top 10 Common Household Pests in Australia

Dealing with pests in your home can be frustrating and worrying. From tiny ants marching through your kitchen to mice scurrying around in walls and ceilings, household pests seem to find their way inside even the cleanest homes. Getting rid of them quickly and safely is important to protect your home and health.

As pest control experts with over 10 years of experience, we’ve tackled every common household pest problem under the sun. Here’s your ultimate guide to identifying, preventing, and getting rid of the most common pests found in Australian homes.

1. Ants

Ants are by far one of the most common household pests homeowners deal with. Given our warm climate, they are active year-round and can sneak inside through the tiniest of cracks. Some of the most common ant species we treat include:

  • Carpenter ants: Nest in wood and can cause structural damage over time by hollowing things out. They come in a range of sizes and colors.
  • Black house ants: Known for following scent trails in lines as they forage for food. They love sweet things and are attracted to crumbs and spills.
  • Argentine ants: Aggressive ants that can invade homes in large numbers to search for food and water. They prefer sweet and fatty ones.
  • Whitefooted ants: Forage day and night for sweet and protein-based comestibles. They build nests outdoors but will come inside for them.
  • Odorous house ants: Get their name from the rotten coconut smell they emit when crushed. They favor sweets and love to infest kitchens.
  • Pavement ants: Build nests under stones, patio blocks, etc. Workers are black or reddish and search widely for sustenance.

Ants can contaminate food surfaces and be a general nuisance. Getting rid of the worker ants you see is only a temporary fix. For effective ant pest control service, you need to tackle the colony and queen. We use both bait treatments and targeted sprays to control ant infestations depending on the species and nest location.

2. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are despised by most Aussies. These creepy crawlies are active mostly at night and prefer dark, warm, and moist areas. Common types of cockroach species include:

  • German cockroaches: Smaller roaches that reproduce quickly. They can rapidly infest homes and are difficult to eradicate.
  • Smoky brown cockroaches: Large roaches that get their name from their brownish-black color. More active outdoors but will seek indoor warmth during colder months.
  • American cockroaches: Largest roach species in houses, reaching over 2 inches long. Reddish brown and found in damp basement areas.
  • Oriental cockroaches: Sometimes called waterbugs since they like moist areas such as sewers and drains. Dark black/brown.

Cockroaches spread germs and bacteria wherever they go. Getting rid of them requires a targeted treatment plan including baits and crevice sprays to break their life cycle. Ensuring there are no water leaks or moisture buildup indoors also limits their ability to breed and thrive.

3. Rodents

Seeing evidence of mice or rats inside your home can be unsettling and concerning. Aussie homes, particularly older properties, can be vulnerable to rodents entering attics, walls, and ceilings. Common species we deal with include:

  • House mice: Curious creatures that enter homes seeking meal and shelter. They breed rapidly and chew on everything.
  • Brown or Norway rats: Larger rodents that prefer to nest outdoors but will come inside for food sources via pipes or vents.

Rodents pose health risks through contamination and spread of disease. They also chew on electrical wires and insulation causing property damage. Getting rid of them is critical. We use strategic bait placements and seal up any possible entry points to eliminate rodent problems at the source. Regular inspections ensure pest management treatments remain effective.

4. Spiders

Sub-tropical climate means we have diverse spider species that can wander indoors. Some of the most common we assist homeowners with include:

  • Huntsman: Large, hairy spiders that hide in corners near the ceiling and wander at night. They have a painful bite but aren’t considered dangerously venomous.
  • Redback: Distinctive spiders with a red stripe found hiding in dry, sheltered areas like garden sheds, mailboxes, and under eaves. Their bite can require medical treatment.
  • White-tailed: Medium-sized spiders found indoors near dim lighting. They have a mild venom and their bites can cause initial pain, swelling and itchiness.

The key to spider control is denying them access and limiting places to hide and establish webs. Barrier sprays, targeted treatments of infested areas, and thorough cleaning helps discourage them from sticking around or coming inside in the first place.

5. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are always high on any homeowner’s list of undesirable pests. Getting rid of them requires intensive treatment owing to their size, speed of reproduction, and ability to hide successfully.

Adult bed bugs are small, flat parasites that feed solely on human blood. By biting exposed skin, they can leave itchy welts. They hide extremely effectively near beds and furniture during the day then come out to feed at night when hosts are sleeping.

We’ve successfully eliminated hundreds of bed bug infestations over the years using a combination of chemical treatments and heat. Catching infestations early is key to simpler, faster control. Our bed bug detection dogs can sniff out even low-level infestations other methods could miss. We then create a custom treatment plan specific to the site and infestation to get rid of bed bugs completely.

6. Termites

As a timber-focused city, termites pose a significant pest threat to homes and structures. Subterranean termite species are most common and cause the extensive damage over time if left unchecked. Signs of a termite infestation can include:

  • Mud tunnels running up exterior walls.
  • Hollowed wood that sounds different when tapped.
  • Swarming winged reproductive termites, especially during early spring.
  • Pinholes in walls or ceilings.

Treating termites requires specialised solutions to eradicate colonies and prevent future attacks. We inspect to identify vulnerable areas then create a liquid barrier treatment and baiting system. Annual inspections ensure ongoing protection against termites which could otherwise cause thousands in damage if left unchecked.

7. Wasps & Bees

Stinging insects like European wasps, paper wasps, and honey bees can create unwanted fear and chaos when they build nests around homes. Empty wall cavities, eaves, trees, and bushes offer appealing sites for them to establish hives and nests.

When dealing with them, caution is critical. We suit up with protective equipment to avoid any risk from aggressive guard workers. Carefully approaching wasp nests during low-activity periods allows us to apply dust or spray treatments to kill occupants safely. For bees, nest removal may occur if no honey storage is present.

Keeping outdoor areas tidy and sealing off potential indoor nest sites deters future colonisation. Timely pest control treatment also prevents established populations from continuing uncontrolled stinging and breeding.

8. Fleas & Ticks

Pet owners are familiar with fleas and ticks which can easily hitch a ride indoors on clothes or animal fur. Australia’s climate allows these pests to be a nuisance year-round. Ticks are most prevalent in bushy, wooded areas.

Fleas and ticks don’t just use pets for blood meals. They will happily bite and pester human occupants as well. Bites can lead to infections or allergic reactions in some people too. Getting control of these pests requires treating both the pet and home environment.

On pets we recommend fast-action, veterinarian-approved topical treatments to kill and repel fleas and ticks. For the home, we concentrate on areas pets frequent like soft furnishings and carpets. Sprays combined with insect growth regulators (IGRs) interrupt flea life stages while vacuum steam treatments kill eggs and larvae in crevices and carpet pile.

9. Silverfish

Though small and shy, silverfish can be destructive pests in homes. They chew through paper, photos, glue, plaster, and starchy foods to survive. Homeowners most often see them darting out when turning on lights or opening books and boxes in storage areas. They thrive in humid environments.

We combine targeted spraying, insect growth regulators, and thorough vacuuming of cracks and crevices to gain control of silverfish. Removing excess moisture and humidity also helps make areas less inviting to them. Keeping storage rooms clean and dry deters this pesky pest.

10. Mosquitoes

They might be more of an outdoor nuisance, but they’ll still find ways to get inside and bother residents. Australia offers plenty of breeding grounds for them given our climate, greenery, and waterways.

Mosquito bites can transmit common diseases like dengue fever, malaria, Ross River, and West Nile virus.

Reduction around the property is an important step. We also apply residual sprays to exterior entry points like doors and windows where they might come indoors seeking shade and humans to bite. These sprays continue working for weeks after to repel and kill mosquitoes on contact.  These also prevent future mosquito infestation.

Inside, portable ultrasonic repellers help make interiors less inviting to them that do make it in. While not a standalone solution, these devices add another layer of defense when combined with our exterior treatments.

Don’t Let Pests Pester You Another Day

Take back control from the creepy crawly pests bothering you at home. We’ve tackled common household bugs for over a decade with proven results.

Our customised pest control specialists don’t just eliminate current infestations. They also establish preventative measures to keep new pests from invading down the road. By identifying and sealing up pest entry points, installing physical deterrents, and applying residual treatments, we make your home an inhospitable environment pests don’t want to inhabit.

Experience the difference specialised expertise makes. Call us today to schedule your inspection and say goodbye to pests for good! Our friendly team is ready to help assess your pest problem and match you with solutions that work.